Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Life isn't always a bed of roses
I came to the conclusion that life isn't always a bed of roses a long time ago, but it's only been recent that i've come to accept it. Nothing like a big smack in the face by reality to pull me back down from cloud number...hmm lost track of the last one i've been to. I guess i've always lived life like it was meant to be- no big rejections, no major downfalls. I've pretty much been hopping from one cloud to another- conjuring up champagne hopes and caviar dreams- that of one day living the 'high' life. Which inevitably led to the "taking life for granted" all time favourite and popular mistake taken up by youths. Turns out that one nasty rejection letter was all it took to shatter my dreams and hopes. Yes. I am wallowing in my self-pity which is rather pathetic and annoying but its my future i'm concern about so bite me. Having never been rejected from something as important as a university placing, you can probably imagine how i took it. yup a REALLIE big smack in the face. But for once in my life, it has made me think about the position i am in. About my future- which looks rather bleak right about now. This is probably old story already and i have been through the usual process of emotional rejection/acceptance but i just felt like penning it down. And i promise i wouldn't whine about it anymore. Life isn't always a bed of roses...and i understand that now.

p.s thanks to all those who have helped me survive that rejection/acceptance process though you may not know how much an impact you have made. Corny and mushy but truthfully, thanks a bunch.
To jeanna, for having that small talk today- I really needed that. Gd luck tomorrow (:
Here's to wishing all the best to the girls who successfully made it to university. And the guys? Let's just aim to ord first.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 8:35 PM

Me? I'm a simpleton, just like everyone- running the race to the finishing line of which we have no idea what happens after. But right now...i'm taking a time out serving ns for our dear Singapore.
I'm pretty much a toad in a well (chinese idiom describing a "xua gu" person, a jack of several trades but a master of none. I bitch, whine, complain, grumble and gripe my way through life...yes thats how i live and thats my life for ya.