Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 12:33 AM
If walking out of camp with only one working leg left doesn't mean i've put in effort then i'm sorry to say that i'm incapable of putting in effort...some people just can't understand. its frustrating. Well, the coming days are gonna get worse...it'll be a miracle if i dont end up on a wheelchair by the end of the week (before he'll finally admit that i am actually trying.)

Basic theory is over(yes!). had to rush down(if thats even possible with one leg crippled) to Bukit Batok Driving Centre to take my test with shu rong and xin yun. Even had some time left to panic together. It felt so much like how we used to be before exams that i couldnt help smiling to myself. crazy? perhap...

jintze- (= and a BIG thank you.
shurong- 11 and counting...thanks for your honest opinion. it would be nice if the tables were turned though.
jeanna- saw alvin today at my camp. big surprise. actually it wasn't big but surprise just sounded wierd..hah

Sunday, July 27, 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Photos from thirteens outing. Will update another time. Way tired..Tmr's basic driving theory test!! Oh no...

Thanks for not hating me for who i am.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @ 11:40 PM
seetstanding. pun definitely intended. my new email that i just created. about time i changed my 8 year old account. Been in use since i was in primary 5. Back then, i didnt even have a computer at home...hah
the long awaited day has finally come. yes! Yet in place of monotony comes a new challenge-shagness. Mundane yet Slack or Busy yet Shag. Such a dilemma[though its not like i'm given a choice]. Guess its impossible to have the best of both worlds. Seems like i'm always fighting a losing battle when it comes to affairs of my emotional satisfaction. What would it take before i'll be finally satisfied. Most probably wouldn't have a clue what i'm referring to...that's fine.
After many years of people telling me that i bath too slowly...i've finally come to terms that my abnormally slow bathing speed isn't really normal. Anyway, my favourite spot at home is not-so-coincidentally the bathroom. Well what do'ya know. Go figure. It's the best spot to reflect and ponder over complicated stuff. As well as to calm the mind; relax the senses; and of course to clean myself up. Duh...
Finished season1 of Vampire Knight.
Currently watching My HIME. no i'm not a pervert.
Can't wait for Wall.e to be released in Singapore. Anyone who thinks he's not adorable is seriously disturbed...hah.
270mins- no. of minutes of sleep i'm going to get tonight.
2days- to picnic at Botanics and dinner at MOF[cant wait...woots(=]
4days- to my Basic Theory Test
shu rong- ms fire-breathing dragon: bu jian bu san.
huibing- heyz. xi ke wor. thx for tagging. see ya on sat. hopefully.

Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
Food for thought.

The ugliness of the world. grim that erodes away our innocence. Little by little; ever so subtly, the clean sheet of paper that we started out with is sprawled with permanent scribbles eventually. Scars we collect and carry along with us as we move on into the unknown...

We each have our "art piece" we carry with us. But who decides whose papers get scribbled on first or how ugly it gets...who indeed...

Does the scribbles we get at a young age determine how fast we grow up or how we lead our lives eventually? And who maintains the fairness of it all? Is it even fair in the first place? honestly, i do wonder sometimes...

Maybe i've met one too many people who suffer such a predicament. Army has allowed me to glimpse a part of this ugliness. And once you've seen it, you never quite forget. Metaphorically speaking.

Random. Art by Kagaya...

is really beautiful.

After reading kester's post, i realise i miss playing badminton a lot. Probably can't swing a racket now without making a fool of myself. Sigh...the old days where playing badminton was all we did is long gone. Memories playing like a film without sound[Vitamin C] .
Anyway, for those who even still give a damn...i'm still surviving. i miss you guys. hope to meet up soon.

Friday, July 18, 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Friend of 115 days...yes i counted. i hope u see this coz i put in some effort to make this collage!! haha...Happy Birthday!!! nineTEEN and a step closer to the big twenty. treasure your teen-hood cause its only gonna last one more year. JUST ONE!!! Enjoy yourself at MPTS and i hope you like the present the 8 of us bought.(=

p.s i spelt Dennis on the card on purpose..hah.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 10:31 PM
What do you do when it all falls apart?[The Veronicas] Honestly, what CAN you do but pray and hold on to all your beliefs and hope that something/anything will come and save you from this living hell. Sigh...

On a lighter note, i believe i've neglected this blog for quite some time. Its just been really tiring recently(though i've not done much). Still trying to figure out what is it thats gotten into me. Army life's pretty mundane right about now since we have nothing much to do in camp as our commander is busying himself with other more important stuffs. The only thing keeping me going is those little moments that occur which you will treasure eventually as time passes on. I've just realised it sooner. Funny moments. Time spent bitching about this person and that. The minimal "sai kangs" [shitty jobs] that we are entrusted to do. And time spent crapping everywhere we go. But things are going to change as National Day draws to a close a.k.a more training and duties. Shucks. But looking back, i realise that i've been blessed with the best commanders, units and section bunk mates everywhere they throw me. And even then they threw me in the right direction. i dont believe in coincidences. Guess i'll have GOD to thank for these.

Anyway army duty sucks a lot coz it always occur on the days i'm going out with my friends which means i'm always missing out on outings!!! its not fair!!! darn it...its not the first, second or third time its happening. i'm gradually losing contact with the outside world and its scaring me. Ahhhh...!!!

On to a whole new topic...i saw lenard ong kee kee on the MRT this morning. It was actually quite shocking because he was sitting right beside me and i didnt notice it was him at first. i was like "who's this crazy person staring at me......OMG!!!" Crazy day huh?

Later on today, i went out with boon shopping for denis' present at Westmall while the nice auntie at Green Adventure sewed the LCP rank. Settled for a bag coz i couldn't think of anything else to buy that may come in handy. its actually pretty cheapo since its shared among 8 people...hah. And i forgot to zip up my zipper for the whole trip and only realised it at JE MRT. Like Ooh My God!!! It was so embarassing.

Hopefully things can stay this lively for as long as possible(minus the zipper bit). I really need some divine intervention here.

where'd you go...i miss you so...seems like its been forever that you've been gone...please come back home...

Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 1:09 AM

Get Smart. Witty and humourous with a "not so" unexpected twist near the end. The kind which u usually go "i knew it!" when the plot unveals. But nonetheless, it got me laughing a lot throughout the show. And if it can get the whole theatre laughing at one point or another, it deserves some applause.

Watched the movie at Orchard Cineleisure with Jeffrey who's gonna go Sydney Australia to further his studies in a few days time. The rest of the Da Bians couldn't make it. Ah wells...just had to make do with what we had. Went shopping for a luggage and some other daily neccesities for him to use overseas. And Robbinsons is clearly not the place to shop for daily neccesities...overpriced. A spoon for more than $5 is overkill. Had some fun crapping around and reminiscing about the good ol' days in PJC. Walked around Robbinsons and OG looking at random stuff and i so fell in love with egyptian cotton. One day...one day i will buy a tempur bed complete with bolster and pillow wrapped in egyptian cotton. Snuggling under that smooth silky texture of a blanket would be...indescribable. Maybe it's wishful thinking but hey...its not like it costs money.
Took a picture before we went our seperate ways. Bad lighting though...or maybe lousy camera. Take your pick. Guessing it would be quite long before we meet again.
To kester for helping me spell luggage correctly...thanks.
To jeff and also to suyin who's going switzerland on mon though for a completely different reason...bon voyage! tC.

Saturday, July 5, 2008 @ 4:28 AM
A bath and a post away from complete knock-out. it is currently 4.30 in the morning.

Got back home at 2a.m after a session of late night lan-gaming with the usual gang of guys. i couldn't have chosen a better timing to reach home, catching my mum on her way out to work. Nagging...nagging. i know, 2a.m was probably too much. Well as it always goes- when feeling guilty, push the blame to someone else. So blame Kester "bitch" Ng. (: yup...definitely feels better.

Sk's head is as bald as it is gonna get, immediately abolishing any need for him to bring along his USUAL "mirror, wax, spray" kit. No more touching of his fringe every 5secs. It'll probably do him good anyway. Maybe i am painting too bad a picture......Naw. Hope he doesn't read this though..hah

Got tricked into going to jec's mac in the evening through a sly manipulation of words on kester's part. A case of an unspoken assumption that we would still be going to the movies while he conveniently forgets to mention it over the phone. he did try to make it up by suggesting a later timeslot though fate wasn't on our side and the later timeslot was way too late which was why we ended up opting for lan-gaming instead. Now lan-gaming on the other hand, it can never get too late.(:

Nevertheless, i did enjoy my time at mac listening to all the girls' recent escapades. zoe and shiya's online shopping thrills and jeanna's nus industrial design camp stories. Except when the uni topic came up, as it always does. Shucks. Hah.

Whatever...gotta go sleep. The Z-Monster attacks.

Jin tze- thx...haha hopefully i'll make it eventually though you'll still be one year ahead.
Kester- i forgot which lord of the rings character u were...lol
Jeanna- always trying to...honest

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Less than a month left to my basic theory driving test and i haven't even started reading the book. Guess i'll never kick the habit of last minute cramping. I'll just have to camp near Buddha's legs when the test date draws close. Reckon i might fail the btt on my first try...ha! great.

Meanwhile, i'm becoming more and more absent-minded these days. This is like the umpteenth time i've locked myself outside the house by not bringing the keys with me. Its really frustrating to sit outside the corridor, waiting for someone to come home. especially when it happens back to back on consecutive days. such a waste of time. can't seem to understand why i keep forgetting the keys.

My new phone has this really retarded feature where long messages can't be read because the msg pops back up to the top before i can finish reading the msg. And thats almost all the time. Why would LG make a hp model that renders the messaging system useless!? Strange...

Anyway i'm feeling rather bored and evil today so i've reached into my well of photograghs and managed to dig out some horrible and stupid looking candids...and others. Those who are featured...just count yourself unlucky...hah. Yes Kester, you're feature (:

First up, izzah...

did a reshoot and...

much better(:

alvin spoilt the shot by flashing his goofy grin.

buddha wannabes...

pretty gross..
And lastly, to prevent karma from biting my ass...
