Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 12:04 PM
Monday 12noon++(don't they just love to use the +sign on menus..)

Its a monday afternoon and i'm sitting in front of my laptop at home cause we've all decided to go on a strike and not book-in today!! YAYE!!

alright fine. Today's actually an off day for many since yesterday was our Army Half Marathon. It's a common understanding that work on weekends = off on the following weekday.....erm so they say. Which is why i'm stuck at home, being my loner self, for a day of Nothing-To-DOs.

Anyway, the last few days had been a total spending spree for me. Two movies; a flip-flop; chocolates from The Cocoa Tree; a meal at TCRS and Crystal Jade after, i realised someone had burnt a hole in my pocket. oh wait...that was me. It's like i was taking revenge on myself for having been thrifty in the past week. I really DO need to spend money on a regular basis. There goes my plans for saving...crap. A meal at Sakura awaits me tomorrow. should i be shedding tears of joy or pain...?

Anyone by any chance free today? (= *hopeful*

Kenneth- Regards to one of your posts: I found out where the $1 went. the solution given is toally crap. hah.

Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
First things first:
-the girl in the junkbox is on uninvited territories. (i can't get her to go away, short of removing the entire thing)
-the box is totally out of boundary but i really want to put this song up so...arh wells

Duties kicking in and things are looking to settle down soon. Life's pretty mundane but i'm managing to enjoy myself through moments of jokes and stunts. Cheers to collecting dust for the next one half years. Standing hasn't looked so fun...

Fireworks Fest today. From what i've gathered its some pretty decent fireworks. I wasn't even invited to watch the show from the side!! Kester's a mean bitch. Nonetheless, i hope you guys enjoyed the show.

Watched 4bia at GV Jurong Point today with some of my Istana batch mates. Unfortunately, half the show was spent starring at the back of my bag. It's not something i'm particularly proud of.

Note to self: Pls don't ever watch a horror movie again!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
16 AUG sat

Went BBDC with our two prospective drivers, Shu Rong and Xin Yun, to reset my password to my acc which costs a whooping $10.70. (though not before i had given numerous futile attempts at guessing my pw) Thanks for taking the extra time out to accompany me.
(Note to self: try to use passwords like 111111 next time!)
Thereafter, these 3 lovelorn not-so-teenage youths hopped down to Marina Square to do some shopping while waiting for the other thirteens' arrival. Since it was still early (and we were teetering dangerously close to starvation), we made an impromptu decision to pop by Suntec to have some kick-ass fondue/wafer/ice cream 'high tea'.
the prospective drivers.
a wall of post-its.
On to meeting the thirteens and dinner at MOF AGAIN. granted...the food is actually rather good; service too...then comes the highlight: Wei Lun's 19th Birthday 'cutting-cake' Ceremony. which definitely turned a few heads as we sang his birthday song with strive and vigor; coupled with such uninhibited laughter at Wei Lun's atrociously hilarious gigs. thanks for making my day :)
you guys never fail to remind me how different life woulld be without all of you. Stay Close.

Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 2:21 AM
Waiting in Line. Life's a monotonous train ride. i find myself waiting...just like a passenger staring out at the passing meadows. No matter how picturesque, it still feels secondary. What's of priority is reaching the next station. And i find myself waiting. No matter how hard i try to enjoy and appreciate the moment, deep down i just know that i'm still waiting...and i blame myself for not being able to break away from the conventional. Is it wrong? I have no clue...

For those who keep reiterating their point, you can't possibly comprehend how hard it is. I'm sorry. Forgive me or not...thats all i can say to you but i can't change how i feel. I've tried/failed/tried again/failed again...henceforth i seem to have resorted to ignoring it. Ignorance is a temporary solution, i have yet to find a permanent one.

Alright i'll stop emo-ing for a bit.

The crowd at today's NDP was pretty bleah...i could probably shout louder than 100 of them combined. Too bad i wasn't allowed to talk.(let alone shout) Though security is boring work, i get to watch the parade standing next to the VIP seats(and that's right smack in the centre). woots!!
So i ain't gonna complain about doing weekend extra duty just this once. SPDS/MB performance was awesome, fireworks was fabulous and i get to see eunice olsen pretty close. Now beat that! Hah...


Special Note to jeanna: though you may have went on to university and will be/have made new awesome friends but don't you ever forget me. Silly? Frankly, i'm quite worried. Serious.

Friday, August 8, 2008 @ 8:13 PM
080808. (In the eyes of superstitious believers) To say that today is an auspicious date would be an understatement. The '88 baby boomer already proved that point. In addition to the Beijing Olympics opening, today also marks the day many couples tie their knot in holy matrimony. Awww...

Meanwhile the queue for Lottery/Big Sweep/Toto/4D?!? (i can't tell one from the other) has reached such a ridiculous hike that it puts the Hello Kitty Craze to great shame though i don't think i can blame Singaporeans for wanting to try their luck on that tempting $8M prize money. (What more-today...)

Its National Day tomorrow!! Ok maybe not many people share the same kind of enthusiasm as they used to have but i believe its only right that we as Singaporeans, at the very least, appreciate what we have grown to become used to on this faithful day. I mean...see-ing that some Singaporeans don't even know how to sing our National Anthem...its just wrong. hmm...i wonder why i'm feeling this surge of patriotism towards our dear Singapore. Maybe its just the mood of attending NDP(as security..duh) or maybe my trip to Cambodia during my JC days wasn't a waste afterall. who knows...

I'm still quite bumped about missing the fireworks festival though...shucks

Belinda- sorry for not replying...i lost my charger for a lame excuse huh?
JinTze- watch my part of the fireworks for me k? hah..
Kester- Where've you disappeared to?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 9:58 PM
I had the strangest dream...

For the benefit of those who do not have a childhood.(and to assist your imagination as i recall my 'adventure'.)

This is lilymon from DiGImon Adventures.

and this is Crimson Balrog from MapleStory.

So the story goes.

In this contorted sadistic psychotic dreamscape of mine, I...was Lilymon. No way in my wildest imagination would i assume myself as a flying flower without realising it was a dream. But somehow, somehow...that idea just didnt occur to me. It gets worse...

As if being a flower with wings wasn't bad enough, i had to be playing catching with some form of a devil, which i have the strangest revelation, is Crimson Balrog(CB). I, of course, am the one being chased.

So Lilymon (since i refuse to term it as 'I') was running from CB around a backdrop of skyscrapers and modern-looking buildings while she/he tries ever so desperately to get her/his darn wings to work properly(since its not like i have prior experience to flying).

CB pops in and out of the picture hot on Lilymon's heels from time to time. CB had Lilymon in a chokehold when the sun rose and chased the devil away. Talk about a close shave.

I was sweating buckets when i woke up. Morale of the story- never sleep in camp. I'm sorry for skiving...Crazy? Tell me about it..

Sunday, August 3, 2008 @ 8:08 PM
Istana Open House. It was nice to know people actually gave bowls as visiting gifts. no. i'm not trying to be ignorant...i'm sure there's a deeper meaning to it. But still...

Getting used to the training schedule back in camp though it still beats the crap out of me after each session. National Day's drawing close...which means more work. least i get to watch the show up close...hopefully

I realise i'm avoiding replies to my messages. It's a subtle habit which i've never quite notice until recently. Still trying to figure out why that's so. I'm hereby apologising to those that my ultra late replies have irritated. I'm sorry for always making you guys wait. i'll try to change that bad habit( of always being late). Looks like i digressed. Hah.

Jintze- Hoping to make it for the fireworks display on the 22nd. Fingers crossed.