Tuesday, January 27, 2009 @ 2:10 PM
Its that time of the year...angbaos; loud bombastic music; well meaning, albeit chatty, relatives (whose favourite address seems to be "when are you going to get a girlfriend ah?") and of course, FOOD - the sort that is oily, heaty and really unhealthy. Happy Chinese New Year...cheers.

Every year, we trudge our way down to 'Chun Dao He Pan' at night. And every year, i find myself in a losing battle for that small amount of space that is my comfort zone as we pack ourselves willingly into the crowd like a bunch of sardines in a can. There's only this much i'd give before it gets a tad bit uncomfortable. Personally, i never found much sense in this little family tradition. But as it is - where they go, i'd go. Its that sad but i suppose i'm a willing victim.

People who've been to the Chun Dao He Pan would know the signature 2storey 'Cai Shen' that spews golden leaves out periodically every year. It is believed to bring good fortune. And every year, die hard faithfuls (or people greedy for money) form an impenetrable fortress around the Cai Shen awaiting its 'money spewing' periods. Some, to my utmost amusement, inverted their umbrellas and placed them over their heads in hopes of obtaining more golden leaves.

What went through my mind?
"God, i can't believe i was once a participant."

Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
there's no need for questions..

talk only when you want to
cause i'll always listen;

slow down when you're tired
cause i'll always wait;

don't be afraid when you feel lonely
cause i'll always be around;

for you, a thousand times over.

but i wanted to see him... :(
thanks for telling me...like you said you would.
he's graced my thoughts enough times for me to be terribly fond of him.
it hurts to know but have faith...
ope's somewhere safe.

Friday, January 9, 2009 @ 10:52 AM
Its sadistically fun and oddly uplifting to see your friends suffer the same fate as you(:
all you bitches!! its finally your turn..*cackles

Rejoice!! cause the next victim is served up the platter. (note: the only one with hair a la a tekong recruit.)

Here's to wishing you an enriching, but most importantly, safe journey serving NS. Take care of yourself and sustain as little injury as possible - tekong's a rather injury-prone place. Hopefully you will find it, like with others before us, an irreplaceable and worthwhile experience. (note that i didnt say enjoyable.)

I wish the things you learn here will help you understand yourself better..

Thursday, January 8, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
i'm grateful for this little piece of paradise(:

p.s. i have no idea why i'd decided to put this song up(:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 11:46 AM
A long overdued new year post. Screaming Happy 2009 on the 7th seem a tad bit inadequate. I apologise for the blog drought. I've been at a loss for words for quite a while. A result of too much thoughts crammed into too little space. If only we could all tap into 'that other portion' of our brain. Then memorising the dictionary would be a walk in the park.

They say ignorance is bliss. The year '08 was filled with unexpected twist and turns, horrible ones at that. After one too many blows, i'd found it a gruelling task to live each day as it was - choosing to ignore rather than to face the truth. On some days, the memory proved too persistent; thoughts too wild to remain blissfully ignorant. So much so that it felt so close to suffocation. i'm just glad that '08 is finally behind me. 2009 will be a life-changing year - be that positive or negative.

New year countdown at patricia's resort-like condo.

Charades; lotsa food and even a guest star appearance by the local security! As always, thanks for EVERYTHING. I've only my attendence and measly funds to offer. Please don't get sick of me and banish me to you-know-where. That'll be a truly horrifying experience!!

Somehow, with the adrenaline draining away and fatigue setting in, overnights always seem to invite much emo-ness into our circle. (what with all the heart-to-heart talks and confessions) Though we may not be the happiest bunch of people, but its ok right? We've all got our personal unfathomable problems. Some probably more vocal about them; a few choosing to keep hush for the most part; and one hiding in his/her shell almost completely. So afraid to even let us in a bit, its worrying. Whichever, whoever, however, i'm here for everyone of you. Together we'll survive 2009!!