Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 7:16 PM
All in a week's work.

To yamon,
dear friend. patient listener. wise voice.
Happy Birthday!

For lending your ears at a time when all i needed was to let it all out. For understanding my situation so innately, making it that much easier to expound my woes. For not just being a good listener, but one that gives good advice.
Its just you. No pressure.
Just for being you.

To jeff, for the delectable assortment of chocolates from Australia; and whose amalgamy of accents and the ability to switch between them amuses the hell out of me.

To everyone who had had a piece of advice to share on uni application; had helped straighten out my thoughts.

Thank you.

Mahjong at SuYin's had us gorging on nasi lemaks, popiahs and ice-creams. There's always a lot of food involved when it comes to the four of us which is good because as i'd said eons ago: We eat because we're happy! and that can't be more true.

An eleventh hour decision to meet up with jeff and mad landed me on the rooftop terrace at the Esplanade. Lots of "what's been going on in your life" questions exchanged there.

KBOX with sam, yingquan, kenghee. Another batch ORDs and i'm another step closer to ORD-ing. Of course, that's still quite a long way ahead. Maybe its my wishful thinking, maybe not. Doesn't matter.

Watched Bride Wars with Johnson. Odd person to watch it with but that aside, its a really awesome show! Who cares if the plot is rather predictable. Who cares if it's a typical movie about friends squabbling. I just like shows with a really touching plot. Go figure.

I found out today that by flipping thir-teens around, we would have teen-thir. Funny cause that bears an uncanny resemblance to the hokkien meaning - being of no help/ in the way of things.
Had lunch and high tea with Jintze+ShuRong. The purpose was to clear some of my doubts regarding uni app. Talked. Laughed. What more do we need?

I'm sorry for not being able to make it for LAN today and dinner yesterday. Then again, as some would say, its not like i'm much help in DOTA and the zombie game. Meet up soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 12:36 PM
Eight years since we first sat in that classroom donning that smurf-ish attire. Thinking back, it probably was that single 'ghostly' encounter during our sec2 chalet which set off a chain reaction that has gotten us to where we are today. Ironically, it was probably just a trick of the light and wei lun's verbal exclamation that spurred our wild imaginations on.

Anniversary celebration was graced by everyone but me, shan hong and clement. I apologise for my last minute absence. Believe me, i had half my thoughts on strangling my commander when i got the news. There was a 27.3% chance of me being last-minute scheduled for duty the next day and i had to have the luck for it. Unfortunately, the probability of switching 'next day' duties which lapses into the next month comes pretty close to a zero. There was hardly a chance i could have switched and thus, regretfully, i had to be absented.

Now, so much has been said about us that perhaps there is no need for repetitions. Another year we spend together, another flaw we find in each other. May the imperfections be accepted into our circle because no one's perfect. Perhaps i say this because i find in myself that i'm FAR from being perfect. In the end, its not about tolerance but acceptence. There is, afterall, a limit to the amount that which a person can tolerate.

I may have made our future sound bleak but a certain bird told me that faith is a miraculous work. With a job, marriage and babies to think about as we abandon our teenage years, things are going to be hectic and stressful to say the least. But i have faith in us. Trust when i say its not just sweet-nothings. Happy Anniversary! Long-live the thirTEENS.