Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Adulthood...It's overrated.

You finally get to be 'free'.
Make your own choices.
Drink. Watch R21 movies. Do what adults normally do.
Be in control.

But some time down the road, you realise being in control isn't all that fun afterall.
Being free is nothing more than an illusion.
And R21 movies aren't all that great.

Kids yearn for it when all along, what encompasses being an adult is actually what they'll come to hate most: Responsibility.
The irony of it.

Taking charge of your life isn't all that easy.
When you start having to make choices that might invariably dictate the course of your future, it's frightening.
When you've got no one to fall back on but yourself, you start seeing how alone you really are.
It's hard fought not to wish you could go back to being a child with material desires and a steady mountain you could always rely on.

And here's the thing,
Adulthood sucks and its staying that way. Like it or not, you've already purchased a one-way ticket and hurtling towards it at full speed the day you were born.

Whoever said turning 21 was a cause for celebration must be hardwired the wrong way.

Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 12:44 PM
3things i found i hate about marathons.

1)The throng of people competing.
On the contrary, the people's actually fine, its the numerous skin-to-skin contact that isn't. Having said that i think its fair i justify that i've propagated my fair share of sweat induced contact; inevitable as it is due to the number of people competing for space.

2)The human roadblocks.
People who stop and walk without any concern for the runners behind them. (like hello? there are people RUNNING behind you. Its a MARATHON. duh?) I understand this statement might appear harsh but having to meander around roadblocks become exceptional annoying when I'm trying desperately to complete the race fast. The fact that there are that many runners, which further accentuates the problem, doesn't help either. Perhaps a walking lane should be set aside the next time. Or they could operate much like normal traffic on the road- keep left if you're driving slow.

3)The seemingly endless number of people to overtake.
Usually one major source of motivation comes from having to maintain a relative lead. But in a marathon, where timing is electronically recorded, there's no way to tell heads from tails. However, to justify, it would have helped to be standing at the starting line during the flag off instead of chatting away at the opposite grass field. It's amazing where all these people come from. One never seems to gain any kind of lead throughout the race. Perhaps its psychological, but it becomes depressing after the novelty factor(since its a rather new experience) wears off; which happened to me about 8km into the race.

What i loved.

1)The finishing line
The finish line holds many meaning. For some, its like the light at the end of the tunnel;or water in the Sahara desert. For me, the line 'Mind over Body' was deftly illustrated as i turned the corner and saw the finishing line. All the fatigue went out the window. It was like an Energizer battery for the Mind. Having said that, I believe only those who put in their effort to complete the race will experience what I've seeked to explain. It's a refreshing feeling; to be finally able to do something right.

2)The pains and aches.
I'm mildly masochistic. Enough said.

3)The race.
The adrenaline; the sense of accomplishment; the satisfaction of overcoming an obstacle. 21km might seem 'peanuts' to long term marathoners but it's the longest i've EVER ran up till now. So for the avid runner, excuse my relative inexperience.

Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 11:02 PM
i suppose some updating is in order.

.NDP's over. In a matter of minutes; a heart pounding, giddy rush of exhilaration, it all ended. Just like that; months of preparation and hard work all leading up to this ultimatum. That's not to say it wasn't worth it. Trust me, it was worth every penny and i'd do it all over again if i could. Even now, it is hard to capture or describe the exact sense of awe that overcomes one in such moments but whatever it was, it felt great. I felt gratified to have had the chance to perform in a year that earned such rave reviews. I haven't actually seen myself on TV yet; not sure whether i want to but since i've already heard a couple of positive comments, it can't be too bad.
Well, whatever.

.Aside from the honour, NDP also signified the passing of an annum. It seemed like only yesterday that i was standing on that very stand carrying out security duties on NDP08. It would seem the sands of time is as relentless as ever. Which brings forth a much important point: 4months left till my discharge form National Service. I feel both anxious and lost; a mind-boggling duet of emotions. I'm not sure why..
OK fine. I do know why. It's just sad it has to be that way.

.As you'd have noticed, I've decided to do away with the imageries in my language. For now. It seems far too depressing anyway( and that is something, i can assure you, i do not need any more help in). It's just my plain, boring language for now; the occasional delve into imagery notwithstanding.

.I rented Grey's Anatomy Season1 for my viewing pleasure.
yea, it's really good.

.International buffets seem to be my latest vice.
It's all about the food with me.

.Meanwhile, the view at the bottom of the pecking order still needs some getting used to.
I'm not liking what i see, that's for sure.

.Life goes on.