Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 11:33 PM
To you who has been a wonder to me since the day we met,
Happy Birthday.

I hope that time has not, and never will, wear down your soul.

A relationship is like the ebb and flow of the tide.
Residing and advancing; back and forth. An intimate dance through hardship and joy.

We tend to forget how truly precious a well worn out relationship is, be it friendship, kinship or courtship. At times, taking for granted its durability and presence.

'We only treasure what we do not have'

An adage overused to the point of being trite.
But still we do not learn from our past mistakes.

I actually think it impossible, even with the foretold knowledge of a painful regret upon loss.
Perhaps we are programmed that way.
And i suppose that its fine the way it is;

C'est la vie;
That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 10:09 PM
Don't look back in anger - Oasis

Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Some updates.

Back from my first ever Diving trip to Pulau Dayang.

Miles of sea as far as the naked eyes can take in;
Crystal blue waters which incites every city-dweller who hasn't seen such clarity in sea water. (no amount of foretelling can quite prepare one for it)
The blazing sun which should have been uncomfortable, if not for the cool sea breeze constantly blowing along the sandy beach;
Such a refreshing change to the concrete jungle that we have become so accustomed to.

My initial apprehension of drowning underwater quickly gave way to the complete awe of being in the deep blue; seeing first hand what should have belonged in last month's issue of Scuba Diver popping up in life technicolor - that was amazing.
I'm in love with diving. Words fail.

The speed utilised by an average Malaysian driver, in thick fog and towards oncoming traffic, to overtake other drivers.
Its no wonder why accidents happen so frequently.

Less than 48hours.
The amount of time it took for all the inner peace i accumulated during the trip to abandon me.
Reality has cruel ways to remind one of its presence. I shall not delve into specifics lest i bore.
Life really isn't peachy.
Yaye for me.

Many thanks to JunHowe whose hasty approach in liaising with the diving instructor(and basically everything else) ensured the success of our trip.
I ought to take a leaf from his book.

Platoon 'Cohesion'.
To have a platoon cohesion highlight the extend of our incohesiveness;
I can tell you, the irony is not lost on me.
Animosity runs deep in the veins of our platoon.
The line drawn between enemies is so apparent that i see no reason behind having a cohesion.
You would think guys would have less trouble with petty issues. But APPARENTLY not.

The elephant in the room gets harder and harder to ignore with each passing moment.
It's getting impossible to turn a blind eye to it.
Perhaps its time to act upon it...
God help me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 9:48 AM

120909 Dinnr at IndoChine.
>Sharon's 20th.
A few notes:

To one: Being self conscience might have stemmed from a low self esteem but it isn't necessarily unhealthy; not unless it borders near OCB. Take care.

To the other: Forgoing the whole forest because of a diseased tree really isn't worth it. I'm no relationship expert but the last i checked, one gets hurt because one cares. It's a double-edged affair; not necessarily good, not necessarily bad.
Getting rough around the edges; sooner or later we all grow up. It's sad.

Being cynical isn't going to lead us anywhere. The least we could do is stick.
I know - I'm one to say.

Many thanks as always,
Pat for the preps. Rest for turning up.

Happy 20th Birthday Sharon.
I'm up next on the chopping board.