Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Charles Darwin once proclaimed that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives; it is the one that is the most adaptable to change (that ultimately survives the cut). In a cruel yet practical way, evolution had ensured we got to today by retaining the best traits and subsequently eradicating the worst. Bluntly put: you either make it or fall prey to extinction.

In a way, though not as severely, the mechanism that which our society operates upon is much the same as what Darwin had described. Who knew that more than a century down, Darwin's words wound resonate through our social structure like the holy gospel of truth; intrinsically wound into every cell and building block that make up our society. From the very foundational interpersonal relationships up to cliques, groups, communities, and then society; we are but victims of this elaborate play, inexorably drawn towards acting the way that nature had all along intended.

Ask yourself these: Are we not guilty of ostracism? Have we never thought of the weaker links in a social group as redundant or disposable just cause they come with an 'extra care' label and impede our progress? Do we not, on some level of consciousness, sought to be among the higher echelons of a given social hierarchy in a bid for social survival? Do we not bask in the glory of being, even on a purely deceptive level, more adept in some aspects than others are? Do we not, at times, toe the lines of an ethical faux pas just to climb higher up the social ladder? Or in any of the above cases, are prepared to commit said social slander?

Then ask yourself this: Is it necessarily wrong?
In a game of survival, where exactly does morals and ethics come into play? Can we simply abandon what slows us down? Afterall change is what made us the superior species. Could we, by extension, apply the same cruel yet practical method to survive?

I wish a black and white answer is at hand but alas, a jury is there for a reason and thats 'cause we live in an imperfect world where grey seems to be the dominant shade of truth.

Crap. =)

Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Dear you,

I have tried (and failed miserably) to tolerate your behavior and have thus concluded that an anonamous letter could be my only way of venting out all frustations without all the messy social implications. So here goes:

You're ridiculously unreasonable, utterly incapable of accomodation and the MOST disagreeable person i have EVER met. Your school of thoughts must be governed by a dictator or you would not have behaved the way you are; a tyrant incapable of housing any other schools of thought but your own. I believe all actions have a reason behind them whether they're a motive or a subconscience behavior. Though I've expended all means to comprehend your actions, I can only conclude that your behavior stems from a profound unimaginable dislike for happy people and a devilish desire to put down whoever you deem content with their life; subsequently devising all means to create discontent and illwill. Either that or you're an idiot with no comprehensible pattern of thought. I'm inclined to believe the former but who knows?

I hate to be blunt but your actions have been nothing but harmful and destructive to the emotional well-being and social welfare of the group. If inference isn't your forte I'll put it even more bluntly; GET LOST. Do not worry, your disappearance would be, I am wholly certain, a cause for celebration. Make no mistake, you will NOT be missed. Champagne bottles would be popped if you left. We hate you THAT much. You have no idea..

How can so many people have a problem with you all at once. Do you not, even for a second, question that maybe its not all 20 of their faults but quite simply just one of yours. Can't your stubborn skull fathom for a minute that perhaps, just perhaps for that .1% possiblity that the problem might just lie with you? Do you not sense the animosity which vines towords your every action and fake smiles? Are you really that dull? I'm not usually one to hate on people but you, my regrettable aqquaintance, has pushed it to its very limit and that i applaud you. I have NEVER EVER met someone with quite the likes of you. I'm amazed. Enough said, now please get lost for all our sakes. =)

Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 9:45 PM

A scream rings high, in the quiet of the morning,
order is restored; temporary and fleeting.

The additional quirks of profession,
a broom, a mop, a rag, a pail;
waiting for their owners to recover them
and smear them with grime and dirt.
Sweeping hands busy away amidst short exchanges.

A scream rings high in the afternoon pedaling,
order is restored; temporary and fleeting.

The steady hum of machinery,
a caged beast bidding it's time;
waiting for its owner to spring its cage
and set its gears in motion.
Mechanical voices drone ahead amidst incessant chatters.

A scream rings high in the evening racing,
order is restored; temporary and fleeting.

The frenzied scramble of limbs,
a sling broken off a bag, a shirt on a bench
waiting for its owner to don it
and set its sleeves snugly on his shoulders.

Though it was a dreary day,
A thought forms i find
That this might just work out, come what may.

Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 9:52 PM
The past fortnight had seen a flurry of events occurring in my desperate attempt to stem out any redundant free time that I had in my hands. To justify, the uni sem break coinciding with my ORD date did play an important role. Therefore, many thanks go to the organisers (silk hui, izzah, huibing, shurong, pat, yamon..) whose unmitigating efforts in organising such events saved me from turning into a couch potato.

Disclaimer: I've debated with myself whether to skip this entirely but clearly, i haven't. So at this point, I'm about to partake in a little self-obssessing narration of recent going-ons. For those who can't care less, gun your cursor to the litte red box at the top right-hand corner of the screen; relief is but a click away.

The sequence of events, picked off the top of my mind are henceforth, random in nature. Here goes:

Sentosa+Nerds get-up(ogl outing)
Full credits undoubtedly goes to silk hui for her constant, unyielding efforts to create fun and entertaining outings. Much kudos to the quintessential adhesive of the group for always having our interests in mind.

Christmas countdown at timbre(thirTEENS)
The usual entourage of friends save for one anomaly. The beginning of a worrisome trend of absence and a rising fear of yet another loss. This time it may prove to be as imminent as the others had been lest more tact be employed when dealing with this predicament. Though ultimately, the outcome rests in the hands of the accused and h** subsequent motives; a situation that is wholly undesirable in any case. Can the lost sheep please come home? Only time can tell whether our new 'lucky number' will be 10.

Sherlock Holmes with Yamon
Perhaps its the laidback countenance, or the open cut-and-dried comments but whatever it is, it's the reason why our conversations often end with an exposition of the heart and soul. Though I am starting to have reservations and I find myself questioning whether its time to clamp up a little. Me and my over-dramatic life may scare off even the most practiced of minds.
Sherlock Holmes is a worthy movie by the way. The chemistry between the co-stars is so obvious its almost palpable; their rapid crossfiring of conversations and squabblings providing much appreciated humor. Though that could be attributed to their acting skills instead of the alternative since, as I may have remembered, the protaganists did have an overwhelming chemistry between them.

Pulau Ubin(hse exco)
Or rather, a more apt description would be couples retreat plus an extra serving of Jonathan. No thanks to zoe for bailing on me, leaving me alone with the happy couple though their tactful practice did save me from many an awkward situation.
A kayaking trip turned into an exploring expedition when three clueless fools took a misinformed turn down memory lane. To prevent others from suffering a similar fate, please note that for those who wish to relive their OBS kayaking trips, do NOT go to pulau ubin but rather invest your time and energy in obtaining a one-star cert and subsequently, kayak at kallang instead.
Lastly, Pulau Ubin and rain is a bad combination. Armed with nothing but our skin-exposing sleevelesses, we were literally a buffet spread for the mosquitos. Lesson learnt: Mosquito repellants and Pulau Ubin are a good combination!

2010 BBQ celebration(thirTEENS)
My budding attempts at baking cookies all but confirmed an age-old understanding that following the recipe book word-for-word never yields the promised results. In short: Don't trust the book, trust your friend's mother! A change of venue from our usual BBQ haunt provided a fresh change of scenery.
Many thanks to pat for opening the doors to her new home for us to wreck. And also for teaching me the correct pronunciations of salmon and flour. Make no mistake; it is infinitely better to be corrected by a friend who means well than to be humiliated by someone whose intentions are to embarass you.
A personal thank-you to shurong's mother and you(grammatical error) for offering me a ride home, on both accounts and more...

Minds Cafe(hse exco)
I'll just go ahead and be informal about this: You guys are the most amazingly fun and comfortable people to be around and I have the reason. Ask and I'll tell why. On this I have nothing more to add except to meet up more often cause you people make me happy and happy is what everyone needs right now.

To conclude, if you have reached here then you deserve a pat on the back and an apology from me for being such a self obsessing bore. I'm 90% sure not more than 10 people frequent my blog and I've learnt recently to be grateful for all the little things that happen in my life; hence if you're one of the ten then this is me thanking you for all the things you've done for me. Cheers.