When demand outweighs supply; therein lies the conundrum to our insatiable appetite..
If you were looking at it from a purely economic perspective, a tys answer would have been sufficiently adequate (not that i would remember any); though what i'm looking at is not material desires but emotional needs that go beyond skin-deep and are far more tackier and harder to resolve.
What is it about us that constitutes this need?
the need to be seen. the need to be heard.
the need to be accepted. the need to be appreciated.
the need for love. the need TO BE loved.
the need for recognition.
the need to be RIGHT. the need to correct those that you deem WRONG.
In such cases, demand often outweighs supply because in any situation, one has to give what the other would then take.
Everyone wants to be right; who then is in the wrong?
Everyone wants to be appreciated; who then is the appreciator?
Everyone wants to be heard; who then is willing to lend their ears without first having spoken their peace.
Everyone wants to be loved; who then is willing to give their love without having first been loved?
Man are selfish and immensely needy creatures afterall.
We recognise no desire but our own.
It's not wrong; just ugly.
Of course, these are just my biased opinions; you're welcome to disagree..